Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remembrance Day

The 11th day of the 11th month, to many others means nothing at all, but to myself and fellow Canadians, it's Remembrance Day.  We take advantage of this day to remember those who may have been long since forgotten otherwise.  I can't explain what I don't understand, such as why a terrible thing like war had to happen various times to our country and others and why thousands of innocent men had to pay the ultimate price for it.  One day out of the year really isn't enough to consider the luck we have to live in the world we do thanks to those men, imperfect as it may be.  But this day is special, because their memory is not just a side note in the back of our minds, or a brief realization.  On this day it's the focus of an entire nation, the best nation.  Cheers Canada!

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